And there has been good reason for it.
Phil's been wandering into the world of 'acceptable' of late.
And I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor after reading his offering last week when he mentioned Fangraphs.com to support his analysis of Kyle Farnsworth moving to the rotation!
Read that again. Phil mentioned a Fangraphs piece to support his argument.
He knows it exists! And he's using it!
Now, today, he lists the best and worst fielders in the game using John Dewan's Fielding Bible and UZR (and not Range Factor!) as the sole determiners. Sole...as in only.
It's a good list. A right list. A proper list (with only minor bumps).
This is a monumental achievement, a game-changer, an earth-shattering temporal shift in the space-time continuum.
If this trend continues, I fear the raison d'être of Phil Watch may become moot.
Très triste.
But, as always, this could merely influence our understanding of future stupidity. He must continue to follow the trend.
If he doesn't, we return to this moment in time - the place where Phil knew certain things and decided to ignore it. Ignorance, in many ways, can be forgiven. Willful neglect is an entirely different ball of wax.
But for now, kudos to Phil. The Tribune had some stuff in the sports section over the last two weeks that may have contributed to a better understanding about baseball-type things.
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